This degree qualifies for the profession of Master in Pre-Primary Education. Orden ECI/3854/2007
Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law
Center in charge: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte y Estudios Interdisciplinares
Campus: Madrid-Vicálvaro
Added Centers: ESERP
Method of teaching: Inglés
Credits: 240. Credits/year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first course 2011-2012 Atención al estudiante: 91 665 5060. Buzón de Ayuda al Estudiante Buzón de sugerencias, quejas y felicitaciones
Academic Calendar Schedule Exam Teaching Guides Validations table Faculty
Coordinator: Prof.ª Dr.ª D.ª Ana María Romero Iribas / Prof.ª Dr.ª D.ª Ana Verde Trabada (Vicecoordinator)
Basic Information
What will I learn by studying this degree?
- 1.- Deal efficiently with educational situations for early learners from a global perspective, encompassing the cognitive, emotional, motor, linguistic and self-control dimensions. (Global perspective).
- 2.- Create learning environments which are conducive to empathy, social behaviour, autonomy, and the co-existence of many cultures, while systematically observing the social, family and school envirnoment. (contextual and socio-natural perspective).
- 3.- Design, apply and assess teaching activities which are geared towards developing children's physical, cognitive, social/affective, motor and linguistic abilities, bearing in mind the biological, psychological, social and creative elements which condition learning (early learning and fun learning perspective).
- 4.- Design strategies based on co-ordinated work carried out by different professionals in order to guide families in issues related to the development and education of 0- to 6-year-olds. (co-ordination with other professionals and family guidance perspective)
- 5.- Detect possible difficulties which pupils may have and design teaching and curricular adaptation strategies which take into consideration pupil diversity, to enhance children's educational and social inclusion. (diversity awareness perspective)
- 6.-Design teaching practices which help school-goers understand the concepts of space and time. (time-space perspective)
- 7.- Design and draw up educational approaches for communication and expression, with strategies which include gestures and visual-verbal strategies. (about basic and instrumental learning)
- 8.- Make an appropriate use of the New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and an introduction into the world of mass-media (about New Technologies)
- 9.- Use different languages to promote and develop creativity (about creativity)
- 10.- Design experiments to get to know the natural world by means of sensorial perception. (about sensorial and experimental development)
- 11.- Promote and enhance the acquisition of healthy habits in terms of hygene, health and diet (about health and hygene)
- 12.- Know about how primary schools work and get involved in the teaching profession, reflecting on the experience using their own assessment criteria. (research-action during placement)
Where will I be qualified to work upon graduation?
In high schools and public and private schools from different backgrounds (rural or urban, multicultural or mono-cultural, regional, national or international, etc) with an ability to adapt to rapidly-changing environments. Graduates will also have the necessary training to work in sectors which are linked to Primary Education, both directly and indirectly, in publishing houses and companies from the technological and educational sectors, etc.
Is this degree official in accordance with the regulations of the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (the final verification report is attached). The implementation of the degree will be carried out progressively, beginning in the first year of the degree in the academic year 2009-10.
Report favorable first modification
Report favorable second modification
What topics will be covered in this Degree?
Basic Training | 102 |
Compulsory | 75 |
Optional | 0 |
Academic recognition of credits | 6 |
Work Placement | 51 |
Final year dissertation | 6 |
Summary of the subjects which make up the Degree in Primary Education and their respective credit allocation:
1 | 60 | |||||
2 | 42 | 18 | ||||
3 | 42 | 18 | ||||
4 | 15 | 33 | 6 | 6 | ||
Total | 102 | 75 | 51 | 6 | 6 | |
Total | 240 |
Recommended Profile
To access the Degree in Pre-Primary Education it is necessary to have passed the university entrance exams. There are no special requirements.
The entry profile of the Degree requires a person who shows a great vocation of service to society and the community, especially to families, as the main agent of primary socialisation during these early years. Bearing in mind that it is a regulated and qualifying profession, aspiring teachers should show a special interest in education in general.
- Be intellectually curious about acquiring new knowledge.
- Show a vocation for pedagogy and education in general.
- Recognise the importance of education in values from the earliest stages of education.
- Promote a culture of effort to achieve professional competence.
- Develop sensitivity towards issues concerning families and pupils that affect the educational process.
- Show interest and involvement in carrying out socio-family educational intervention to improve the learning process of students.
- To be competent in different languages, especially English, to be able to communicate easily and to favour this cultural approach in education.
- Promote respect for human rights and equality, in favour of the integration and dignity of people from the educational system.
In addition, they must show good oral and written expression and comprehension, have social skills, be able to deal with diversity in the classroom, etc., and, in short, they must promote the personal, social and educational development of children up to the age of 6.
As far as accessibility is concerned, at the Rey Juan Carlos University, this is a fundamental objective. And access to studies for any student is fundamental, but for those who have a disability it is even more significant, as they require complementary guarantees to varying degrees, in order to live with full rights or to participate on an equal footing with other citizens. In accordance with article 51 of Real Decreto 1892/2008, de 14 de noviembre, which regulates the conditions for access to official university studies, the Rey Juan Carlos University will reserve 5% of the places available in all its degrees, whether they are official undergraduate or postgraduate and, where appropriate, in specific doctoral programmes, both in the June and September call for applications. If these places are not filled, they will be filled by the rest of the students (General regulations:
The chief aim of the degree is to train teachers of Primary School Education to be able to carry out their profession in different contexts (rural and urban, multi-culticultural and mono-cultural, regional, national and international, etc.); enabling them to adapt to social, cultural, scientific, technological and educational changes; and to gain expert working knowledge of a variety of subjects and how they interact. They should be able to question practices where necessary and have initiative; to reflect on the practical side of what they teach, and have a commitment to their profession. At the same time, students will be trained to work in other professions which are related – both directly and/or indirectly - to Primary School Education.
The general training will serve to train Primary Education teachers who will be competent to teach at all stages and in all curricular areas of Primary Education. They should be experts in all aspects of Primary Education and how they interact. As such they will be able to build upon the basic principles of Primary Education to meet its objectives. The training received on this degree course is geared towards preparing graduates to be skilled teachers of Primary Education. They will be encouraged to question the status quo and enabled to adapt to a rapidly-changing environment.
In keeping with these objectives, the teacher must be able to:
- 1. Organise ways to encourage each student to acquire knowledge
- 2. Act as a mediator so that each activity is significant and stimulates the potential for development for students in an interactive group activity.
- 3. Design and organise activities for each subject area and a combination of them, and interact with the outside world.
- 4. Analyse the environment in which the activity takes place, designing it in such a way that it meets the needs of a changing society.
- 5. Manage tutorials in order to guide students and assess their learning progress.
- 6. Have in-depth knowledge of the eduactional stage in which they are going to work.
- 7. Know the subjects which they are going to teach and design appropriate activities both for each subject and a combination of several.
8. Use a suitable methodology for the role of teacher/researcher. - 9. Acquire knowledge, and discover tools which help students to reflect on education from a psychological/sociological and pedagogical point of view.
- 10. Learn about and develop the necessary skills to be able to acquire the required personal maturity to be properly qualified to teach.
- 11.Set up teaching-learning situations to help students discover what their future teaching role will be like.
- 12. Develop their work in the knowledge society.
- 13.Know about the new training processes which the information and communication technologies afford.
- 14.Know themselves, have self-esteem and the ability to create constructive group relations, and to have a supportive and democratic attitude.
- 15.Have the necessary social skills to be able to lead the groups of students for which they are responsibe.
- 16. Work as a team with the other teaching staff.
Consequently, students of the Degree in Primary Education at the URJC have the following aims:
- 1. To understand how language develops at the primary education stage and to design teaching strategies which will enrich communicative skills.
- 1. To know about and enhance the child's cognitive, social and personality development from birth to the age of compulsory education.
- 2. To use systematic observation as the main tool for an overall, general and continued assessment of students' abilities.
- 3. To take their lead from the globalisation principle when it comes to programming learning activities and tasks for 0- to 6-year-olds.
- 4. To know how to use games as the main teaching tool, as well as designing learning activities based on principles of fun.
- 5. To be able to develop a child's mathematical thinking and awareness of numbers.
- 6. To promote habits which introduce the child to the worlds of reading and writing.
- 7. To be expert in any and all official languages of the region and pronounce and understand the languages fluently.
- 8. To develop in their pupils the habits of self-sufficiency and respect for the norms for studying together.
- 9. To know the methodology for developing the concept of space, geometry and logical thought.
- 10. To know about psychomotor development and design activities geared to stimulating it.
- 11.To detect unease on the part of a child which prevents him or her from developing, and to take steps to solve the problem.
- 12. To know how to create and maintain communication links with children's families and so include them more actively in their child's/children's education
- 13. To know how to encourage children to respect their natural, social and cultural environments.
The skills which students of the Primary Education Degree will acquire can be divided into two main blocks. On the one hand, we have the general skills of the degree which can, in turn, be divided into:-
1. General skills which are common to all degree courses and which are regulated by the Royal Decree 1393/2007 of the 29th of October (regulating Official University Teaching).
2. General skills for the Degree in Teaching Primary Education , which are set out in the Order ECI/3857/2007, of the 27th of December, which establishes the pre-requisites for the verification of official university degrees in the area of Primary Education Teaching.
The ECI/3857/2007 Order, of the 27th of December, sets out the minimum modules required for structuring the study plan and also specifies the minimum skills required upon completion of said modules. Among the general principles which cover the design of new degrees, the study plans should bear in mind that any professional activity must:
- Promote respect for the fundamental rights of equality between men and women.
- Promote respect for Human Rights and the principles of equal access for all as outlined in the final section of Law 51/2003 of the 2nd of December on Equal Opportunities, non-discrimination and equal access for all irrespective of disabilities.
- Promote the values characterised by a culture of peace and democracy.
On the other hand, the general skills which students should acquire over the course of their degree and which, in turn, are necessary for the student to obtain the qualification are the following:
- To obtain and understand the necessary knowledge for each study area of the degree in order to be prepared to work in the Primary School Teaching profession.
- To know how to apply this knowledge to their job in a professional manner, showing that they have acquired the relevant knowledge by thinking through and resolving problems in each of the study areas.
- To know how to gather and interpret data which is relevant to the different study areas and make a reasoned decision which shows that they have thought through the relevant socio-eductional, scientific and ethical issues.
- To be able to communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to the skilled and qualified personnel whom students are directly accountable to for their university studies, as well as people who are indirectly related to the university degree.
- To acquire the learning skills which are necessary for them to develop their studies under their own initiative.
More specifically, several General and Specific skills have been established.
General (cross-disciplinary) Skills for the Teaching Degree (general ones which are common to all profiles of teacher) which a Education graduate should have are:
a) General Instrumental Skills:
- ability to analyse and summarise
- ability to organise and plan
- good at communicating, both in writing and orally, in their mother tongue
- knowledge of a foreign language study-related IT skills
- ability to manage information
- problem-solving skills
- decision-making abilities
b) General Personal Skills:
- Teamwork
- Working in an international environment
- skills with interpersonal relations
- Awareness of diversity and multicultural phenomena
- Thinking through ideas
- commitment to ethics
c) General systematic skills:
- Autonomous learning
- Knowledge of other cultures and customs
- Initiative and an entrepreneurial spirit
- Quality-driven
- sensitivity towards environmental issues
- adapting to new situations
- Creativity
- Leadership
As regards Specific Skills which are common to all teacher profiles, the following must be highlighted:
- Ability to understand the complexity of educational processes in general and the teacher-student process in particular.
- knowledge of the subjects to be taught, and their uniqueness in terms of epistemology and delivery.
- a solid foundation in science, culture and technology.
- ability to anaylse and think through the data related to education which comes from research as well as the curricular proposals which come from Public
- Respect for the cultural and personal differences between students and other members of the education sector.
- Design and development of educational projects and programmes which help adapt the curriculum to the sociocultural environment. .
- Ability to hold tutorials, advising students and parents and co-ordinating the teaching content for their particular student group.
- A commitment to enhancing students' academic performance and educational progress, considering all aspects of university life.
- Ability to work with the different sectors of the educational community and its environments.
- Analyse and understand the educational processes both inside and outside the classroom for 0- to 6-year-olds.
Consequently, the skills which students should acquire in the Primary Education Teacher Degree are the following:
- 1. To know the objectives, curricular content and assessment criteria for Primary Education.
- 2. To promote and facilitate the training of early learners from a global perspective which involves the cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitive dimensiones.
- 3. To design and regulate learning spaces for highly diverse situations in order to accomodate students' educational needs as well as fomenting gender equality, equal opportunities and respect for human rights.
- 4. To promote student life together inside and outside the classroom and seek to resolve conflicts peacefully. To be able to observe different learning and co-existence scenarios and reflect upon them.
- 5. To reflect as a group on the acceptance of rules and respect for others. To promote the individuality and unique learning capacity of each student as a means of educating the emotions, feelings and values of early learners.
- 6. To know about how language develops in early learners, and to be able to identify possible disfunctions and seek to correct them. To face language-learning situations in multicultural and multilingual circumstances. To express themselves orally and in writing and be skilled in the use of different communication techniques.
- 7. To be aware of the implications for education of the Information and Communication Technologies.
- 8. To know the fundamentals of infant diet and hygene.
- 9. To know the fundamentals of looking after early learners and all that goes towards understanding their psychological processes in learning and how their personality develops.
- 10.To know how Primary Schools are organised and the different ways in which they work.
- 11.To assume that the teaching profession must be in a continual state of improvement and always seeking to adapt to the life-long scientific, pedagogical and social changes which are taking place
- 12.To advise parents with regard to the education of 0- to 6-year-old children and to be highly skilled in dealing with the family of each pupil and the group of families.
- 13.To reflect upon how to work in the classroom to innovate and improve the teaching profession. To acquire skills for individual and group learning and to pass these on to pupils.
- 14. To understand how Education works in today's society and also its possibilities and limitations. Also, the basic responsibilities which affect Primary Education and the professionals who work there.
- 15.To know the quality improvement models and how they are applied to education centres.
Below are the skills which the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos has set out as fundamental for students of the Primary Education Degree. Upon completing their studies, students should, according to the document, be able to:
- 1.- Deal efficiently with educational situations for early learners from a global perspective, encompassing the cognitive, emotional, motor, linguistic and self-control dimensions. (Global perspective).
- 2.- Create learning environments which are conducive to empathy, social behaviour, autonomy, and the co-existence of many cultures, while systematically observing the social, family and school envirnoment. (contextual and socio-natural perspective)
- 3.- Design, apply and assess teaching activities which are geared towards developing children's physical, cognitive, social/affective, motor and linguistic abilities, bearing in mind the biological, psychological, social and creative elements which condition learning (early learning and fun learning perspective).
- 4.- Design strategies based on co-ordinated work carried out by different professionals in order to guide families in issues related to the development and education of 0- to 6-year-olds. (co-ordination with other professionals and family guidance perspective)
- 5.- Detect possible difficulties which pupils may have and design teaching and curricular adaptation strategies which take into consideration pupil diversity, to enhance children's educational and social inclusion. (diversity awareness perspective)
- 6.-Design teaching practices which help school-goers understand the concepts of space and time. (time-space perspective)
- 7.- Design and draw up educational approaches for communication and expression, with strategies which include gestures and visual-verbal strategies. (about basic and instrumental learning)
- 8.- Make an appropriate use of the New Technologies as a vehicle for information, communication and an introduction into the world of mass-media (about New Technologies)
- 9.- Use different languages to promote and develop creativity (about creativity)
- 10.- Design experiments to get to know the natural world by means of sensorial perception. (about sensorial and experimental development)
- 11.- Promote and enhance the acquisition of healthy habits in terms of hygene, health and diet (about health and hygene)
- 12.- Know about how primary schools work and get involved in the teaching profession, reflecting on the experience using their own assessment criteria.(research-action during placement)
Minimum requeriments for stay
- For full-time students doing an undergraduate degree, the maximum period of time allowed to complete the degree is eight years. Part-time students can request an extension of up to two years from the Rector.
- In the degrees that have more than to 240 credits (4 years), the maximum stated in the previous section will be increased by one year for each 60 ECTS that are added to the 240 ECTS.
- Students have to pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students who are studying part-time have to pass at least one subject in the first academic year.
- Students who are studying an official degree at Rey Juan Carlos University have a maximum of four enrollments in each one of the subjects in the study program, without counting previous cancellations of said subjects.
For further information see: Normativa de permanencia
Access and Enrolment
Access to official degrees requires holding a high school diploma or equivalent and passing the exam referred to in Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified in the Law 4/2007 (12 April), taking into account other mechanisms of access foreseen in existing regulations.
The maximum number of 1st year students accepted in the academic is:
Madrid Campus (Vicálvaro): | 65 places (including transfer admission places) |
Enrolment in the Rey Juan Carlos University is on-line, using the computers on campus or any computer with web access. Dates and deadlines can be consulted in enrolment, as well as the requirements and necessary documents. If any doubts arise, ask at the Student Telephone Assistance Centre (C.A.T.A.)
Internship Placement
Internship Placement subjects throughout this Degree are regulated by the regional Office of Education through an annual Order, which establishes the applicable procedure for education centers in the Community of Madrid.
Internships may take place in any of the education centers that offer vacancies each academic year (be it at their own discretion or at a student’s request), at the dates provided by the Coordinator. Students may also ask for observation placements abroad.
Internship Placement Manual (Spanish)
Education centers in the Community of Madrid that have never hired students before, may ask for it by e-mail to the following address: . They will be provided with access to the platform PracticumXXI, from which vacancies are processed.
Students will be informed about all of the deadlines and procedures related with Internship Placements through Virtual Campus. In this sense, any question may be sent to the address
Social Security Contributions for student interns as of January 1, 2024
Movility Programmes
The Erasmus Program offers URJC undergraduate and graduate students the possibility of taking courses for one or more semesters at one of the European universities where URJC has agreements.
These exchanges traditionally involve financial assistance thanks to the Erasmus grants that the EU and the Spanish Education Ministry provide.
The Munde Program manages mobility with universities that are not included in the Erasmus Program.
The possibility of obtaining a grant or financial assistance and the quantity depend, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, the countries, or the entities that subscribe to said agreements.
For more information:
SICUE es un programa de movilidad nacional para estudiantes universitarios de GRADOS que permite realizar parte de sus estudios en otra universidad española con garantías de reconocimiento académico, aprovechamiento y adecuación a su perfil curricular.
Student Support Programmes
Future student orientation. The university has various orientation programs for future students: visits to high schools, guided tours of the campuses, visits to classrooms, and, at the beginning of every academic year, the university organizes a Welcoming Day in order to orient new students.
Academic tutorials. Each professor offers, within his/her teaching plan, tutorial sessions related to his/her subject.
Integral tutorial programs. These programs are aimed at improving the learning process of the students, helping them to plan and organize their efforts in order to obtain the best academic results.
Degree coordinator. The degree coordinator works to favor the coherence and balance of the different subjects and the work load of the students.
Mentoring Program. URJC has a Mentoring Program, where students from previous academic years act as tutors.
Disabled students. The Assistance for Disabled Persons Office offers orientation and help to students with special needs.
Scholarships and financial aid. Rey Juan Carlos University processes the principle grants and annual financial aid programs, both their own and those from other official organisms such as ministries, the regional government of Madrid, international organizations, and other entities. The university also publishes and disseminates information about grants and financial aid of interest to students and graduates. During the year, students receive information about these through the established communication channels.
Laboral insertion program. URJC, through the Internship Unit and the Graduate Office, organizes events, workshops, and diverse services directed at helping and supporting students seeking employment. This is designed to improve students’ employability and to favor their incorporation into the labor market. The university has job listings, a platform at the disposition of companies and graduates where the organisms can carry out their selection process.
*Las tasas correspondientes a los dobles grados con distinto grado de experimentalidad se aplicarán tal como establece el nuevo Decreto 43/2022, de 29 de junio, del Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se establecen los precios públicos por estudios universitarios conducentes a títulos oficiales y servicios de naturaleza académica en las universidades públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid*
- Matrícula y permanencia en los estudios de grado de la URJC. Curso 2024-25 (vigor a partir del 1 de junio de 2024)
- Reglamento de devolución de tasas académicas
- Admisión por cambio de campus o modalidad, universidad y/o de estudios universitarios españoles parciales de Grado y de Doble Grado de la URJC
- Precios Públicos
- Dispensa académica (Reglamento de Evaluación de los Resultados de Aprendizaje - Título IX)
- Prácticas externas (en vigor durante el curso 21/22)
- Prácticas externas (de aplicación a partir del curso 22/23)
- Reconocimiento académico de créditos (RAC)
- Reglamento Marco TFG (Aprobado Consejo de Gobierno 26 de mayo de 2023)
- Premio extraordinario fin de grado
- Reglamento de Evaluación de los Resultados de Aprendizaje (en vigor desde el 1 de septiembre de 2024)
- Revisión y reclamación de la evaluación (Reglamento de Evaluación de los Resultados de Aprendizaje - Título VII)
- Solicitud de revisión y reclamación de la evaluación
- Convocatoria adelantada (Reglamento de Evaluación de los Resultados de Aprendizaje - Artículo 19)
- Procedimiento de convocatoria adelantada
- Tribunal de compensación (Reglamento de Evaluación de los Resultados de Aprendizaje - Título X)
Convalidación, adaptación de estudios, reconocimiento de créditos y homologación de títulos extranjeros
- Convalidaciones / Reconocimientos grados
- Convalidación parcial de estudios extranjeros
- Requisitos formativos complementarios previos a la homologación de títulos extranjeros
Quality Guarantee
Report on Results
Once the follow-up on the Degree is carried out, the quantitative information concerning the results of the follow-up for each academic year is shown.
Report on Results
General information collection plan
Within the Quality Guarantee System at Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- New students
- Teacher assessment
- Student satisfaction
- Satisfaction of graduates
- Labor insertion
- Causes of abandonment
- Career path:
- Second year after graduating
- Third year after graduating
- Fourth year after graduating
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Faculty with campus and university
- Teaching staff with degree
- Of the evaluators
- Incoming student mobility program
- Outbound student mobility program
- Administration and services staff with university
- External practices:
- Student satisfaction
- External tutor satisfaction
- Satisfaction of evaluators
Survey results:
Steps toward Improvement
- Improvement actions 2023/2024
- Improvement actions 2022/2023
- Improvement actions 2021/2022
- Improvement actions 2020/2021
- Improvement actions 2019/2020
- Improvement actions 2018/2019
- Improvement actions 2017/2018
- Improvement actions 2016/2017
- Improvement actions 2015/2016
- Improvement actions 2014/2015
- Improvement actions 2013/2014
- Improvement actions 2012/2013
- Improvement actions 2011/2012
Accreditation renewal
Accreditation renewal supposes the culmination of the implementation of the official undergraduate and Master’s degrees registered in the University, Center, and Degree Register. The accreditation renewal of official undergraduate and Master’s degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit, and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the situation of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment report that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of assessors who are external to the degree in question.
Renewal Final Report of accreditation 2023
Recognition of quality
The Virtual Campus at URJC has the international certification “UNIQUe” for quality in e-learning. UNIQUe is the most demanding seal of quality for the use of ICT in higher education.
In the framework of the celebration of the INNOVATION FORUM 2011 in the Portuguese town of Oeiras, the Foundation for the Quality of e-Learning gave three UNIQUe quality certifications to universities in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Spain, and Rey Juan Carlos University was one of those chosen.
UNIQUe is the first certification of quality in all of Europe, created to offer support to universities in order to achieve excellence in the use of ICT for innovation in learning. The certification provides points of reference for the field of higher education in order to increase the speed of implementation of the Bologna reforms in the field of technology. It is centered on innovation with the aim of improving learning. At the same time, the UNIQUe seal facilitates the incorporation of the existing good practices and the valid strategies for quality, presenting a wide institutional focus that goes beyond e-learning in order to validate the efforts of the universities with regard to innovation.
This process of quality certification is based on the broad participation of the interested parties with the aim of involving the entire community of higher education, including the government, students and professors, as well as the administration and management of universities.