• Estudios Admision
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International Tourism Management

Center in charge: Escuela Másteres Oficiales  Campus: Madrid - Quintana
Universities: Université de Savoie, Chambèry (Francia); Universitá degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Italia); Groupe Ecole Supereiure de Commerce de Troyes (Francia); Heilbronn University (Alemania),CATEDRA UNESCO - RED UNITWIN
For module III, Tourist Destination Management - UNESCO, a supplementary test is required to obtain the additional Diploma, according to conditions of the UNITWIN Network
Method of teaching: Presential (English)  Cod: 6262
Credits: 60 ECTS  Duration: One year
Taxes: See table
Academic calendar        Schedule    Exam    Teaching Guides    Professorate
Directora del Máster: D.ª Miriam Menchero Sánchez como Coordinador: D. Andrés Redchuk Cisterna Teléfono: 91 4887703
Master Student information: Phone number: 91 488 8508

Basic Information

What will I learn by studying this Master?

Students who have a Spanish university degree or another degree issued by an institution of the European Higher Education Area that allows in the country, issuer of the degree, to study a Master's degree.


The Master's degree is made up of  60 credits  and is developed in an academic year. The courses, that are made up of the first 24 credits (fundamentals), are compulsory. The speciality is made up of  18 elective credits. The Master's dissertation and the internships can be done over the year. The teacher's planning will be explained later.

Students must choose between one of the two elective courses (course 2 or course 3)

Each of the courses of the speciality are made up of the offered itineraries: Management of Tourist Companies and Planning of Tourist Destinations. The last course includes the UNESCO course that integrates topics and seminars multidisciplinarily and throughout the subjects, whose objective is the 'Tourism Management of Human Heritage Sites'. The UNESCO course is part of the UNITWIN Universities Network and UNESCO Lectures about 'Tourism, Culture and Development'.

The course called 'Study cases on the Human Heritage Sites and Cities' is made up of several seminars about: management, interpretation, marketing and advertisements of the Human Heritage sites and cities, that complement the rest of the courses that belongs to the module 3.


Basic Competences:

  • CB6 - To have and understand different types knowledge that build the foundations and give the opportunity to be original with the regard to the development and/or use of ideas in a research setting
  • CB7 - That our students can use different types of knowledge and their abilities for solving problems in new or unusual environments in the most ample (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to this study field
  • CB8 - That the students are able to integrate the different types of knowledge and tackle with the complexity of  formulating judges from a piece of information that can be complete or incomplete, but that includes reflexions about the social and ethic responsibilities related to the use of knowledge and judges
  • CB9 - That students can communicate their conclusions, knowledge and last reasons provided before specialized and non specialized public clearly and without ambiguities
  • CB10 - That students acquire learning skills that enable them to continue studying by following an autonomous or self directed method

General Competences

  • CG01 - Acquire an advanced specialized and multidisciplinary training in the tourism field.
  • CG02 - Ability to work both autonomously or by groups, in a multicultural or multidisciplinary context
  • CG03 - To become familiar with the requirement of an academic work that is suitable for being published in a scientific means, encouraging the work ability and interdisciplinary thinking
  • CG04 - Ability to use the acquired knowledge and the problem-solving method in new, more ample and multidisciplinary environments
  • CG05 - To own learning abilities for a continuous, self-directed and autonomous learning
  • CG06 - Ability to develop communication abilities in different decision-making processes and different languages
  • CG07 - Ability  to explain and argue results before specialized public and general public
  • CG08 -  Ability to have an ethical agreement and social responsibility in the tourism field
  • CG09 - Ability to use the ITCs as communication tools, access to the information sources, data files and documents.
  • CG10 - To be able to define the priorities in order to achieve the objectives, by establishing deadlines and required resources and controlling the established processes.
  • CG11 - Ability to organize the information and acquire knowledge of different documentary sources.
  • CG12 - Ability to analyze the society and to make decisions in changeable environments such as the tourism.
  • CG13 - To encourage to the tourism professionals  the academic recycling.
  • CG14 - To promote the research and the growth concepts in the tourism field.

Cross Curricular Courses

  • CT01 - Adaptation to new situations
  • CT02 - Autonomous learning
  • CT03 - Synthesis and analysis ability
  • CT04 - Information management ability
  • CT05 - Organization and planning ability
  • CT06 - Ethical agreement
  • CT07 - Oral and written communication in a foreign language
  • CT08 - Knowledge of other cultures and traditions
  • CT09 - Knowledge of a foreign language
  • CT10 - Computer knowledge related to the study field
  • CT11 - Creativity
  • CT12 - Interpersonal abilities
  • CT13 - Initiative and enterprising spirit 
  • CT14 - Leadership
  • CT15 - Motivation for quality
  • CT16 - Critical Reasoning
  • CT17 -  Diversity and multicultural recognition
  • CT18 - Problem solving
  • CT19 - Awareness towards environmental topics
  • CT20 - Decision-making
  • CT21 - Teamwork
  • CT22 - Work in an international context
  • CT23 - Teamwork in an interdisciplinary way

Specific competences:

  • CE01 - To know how to analyze the relation between the tourism destination agents through the social network analysis.
  • CE02 - To interpret the intern business information and to use it efficiently in the decision-making.
  • CE03 - To study in depth the international organizations, public institutions and tourism social society organization and the cooperation instruments  and the partnership of a globalized world.
  • CE04 - To analyse and compare the national and international framework that governs the tourism and planning activities, as well as, the zoning, with the aim of establishing intervention strategies for agents who take part internationally.
  • CE05 - To use innovation management fundamentals, the efficacy and competitiveness for managing tourism organizations (both public and private organizations).
  • CE06 - To know how to manage the competent areas of all the functional areas of a tourism organization
  • CE07 - To use specialized techniques of economic and financial management in tourism organizations
  • CE08 - To set out management and control system in tourism organizations
  • CE09 - To analyze from the critical point of view, the tourism activity and its international environment for detecting dangers and to take advantage of the main opportunities
  • CE10 - To know the planning and zoning instruments, as well as the mechanisms that regulate the tourism activities and to develop the zoning proposal and planning a given destination
  • CE11 - To understand the complexity of the tourism destination structure from a systematic point of view
  • CE12 - To define and develop a strategic plan in the tourism field related to a destination
  • CE13 - To know and use instruments of sustainable destination management and products
  • CE14 - To know and use quality systems and environmental, economic and social management related to the tourism in the framework of the sustainable tourism development
  • CE15 - To know how to analyze the new tendencies, forecasts and dynamics of tourism international markets
  • CE16 - To be able to create new tourism products, as well, broadcasting and creation strategies, from tourism resources and a group of predefined demand
  • CE17 - To design a complete process for launching tourism products and undertaking new projects of businesses and services.
  • CE18 - To adapt a commercial strategy according to the features of each tourism business environment
  • CE19 - To know several cost systems to be used in the management control and in the strategic decisions-making
  • CE20 - To simulate the profitability effects of the decision-making about products and prices in tourism businesses
  • CE21 - To know the relationship between the budget formulation and the business planning
  • CE22 - To interpret the indicators provided in the tourism business scorecard
  • CE23 - To do financial statements forecasts in the OOTT
  • CE24 - To translate the theory to the practice and to adapt the general budget concepts and specific setting of the OOTT
  • CE25 - To know in depth the USALI model as a tool to improve the hotel department management
  • CE26 - To use optimally the new technologies of the information and communication in the tourism trading.
  • CE27 - To know how to manage the advanced new marketing strategies: emotional and experiential marketing neuromarketing
  • CE28 - To integrate and use the acquired knowledge to make the best decisions in the international businesses
  • CE29 - To use the information and communication technologies in the international field: social networks and online reputation management
  • CE30 - To know the operation praxis and processes developed in the tourism businesses through the professional practices
  • CE31 -To know working techniques that allow to analyze and to place the tourism professional activity in a strategic and competent context, that is, to acquire the ability to implement appropriate management tools for the business environment
  • CE32 - To be qualified for designing, conceiving and eventually, to implement complex tourism projects using the most appropriate methodology
  • CE33 - To do literature searches and bibliometric analysis of the main book databases, with the objective of analysing and relating information taken from registries or searches for the Master's dissertations
  • CE34 - To plan the work research development, to do the hypothesis or research questions, implement the work field and to suggest conclusions about the hypothesis or previous questions, as well as, to file and defend the results obtained in the tourism field in accordance to the structure of a scientific research
  • CE35 - To do oral expositions according to the methodology agreed by the main international tourism conferences, as well, the development of research reports according to the style rules (APA, Harvard, etc) that allow other people or organizations to consult the future figures about the tourism research
  • CE36 - To design loyalty plans for clients in multinational tourism companies
  • CE38 - To elaborate marketing and communication plans in the international field

Access and Enrolment

Selection of Applicants

General entry requirements:

The student's profile is the one who is holder of an university degree and is interested on the applied research and the management in the tourism field.

The most adequate candidates for studying the Master's Degree in  International Tourism Management shall be those candidates who are holders of a Bachelor's Degree in Tourism or holders of other field such as: economical sciences, legal sciences, social sciences and human sciences.

It will be taken into account the following merits:

Academic Record (50%)

Knowledge of English (minimum level B2) (20%)

Tourism professional experience (20%)

Specialized tourism training (10%)

Terms and Conditions or special entry exams:

A B2 Level of English required

If it is needed, it will be assessed the student's resume by taking into account his/her work experience, his/her interests according to the master's objectives, as well as, his/her academic record.

Offer of a place: 35 places. If the course does not reach the minimum number of students, the University can choose not to open the teaching group.

View admission and enrollment

Teaching Itinerary

Master Teacher guides


Teaching Itinerary

Internship Placement

The subject Internships is a curricular subject whose fundamental objective is to encourage the comprehensive training of the student through the practical application of the knowledge acquired in the degree, which facilitates direct contact with the professional activity and offers the opportunity for students to incorporate themselves in the professional world with a minimum level of experience.  All the internships are designed so that students who participate in them acquire professional experience in real situations and conditions, applying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are acquired in the educational process during the degree. These internships are an important opportunity for the personal and professional development of the students.

The internships are activities that the student undertakes in companies, institutions, and organizations; that is, in centers external to the university, and that have as their objective to enrich and complement their university studies, while also offering deeper knowledge related to the skills that will be needed once they graduate.  

The Internship subject has two phases:

  • First, doing the internship, which offers professional experience related to the profile of the graduate and that are shown in the Verification Report of the degree.
  • Second, preparation of the report. 


Formative Proyect Qualification

For more information: Unit internships

Social Security Contributions for student interns as of January 1, 2024

Mobility Programmes

The University Master's Degrees, due to their duration and characteristics, generally do not specifically contemplate the mobility of their students. However, the Rey Juan Carlos University has different mobility programmes for both students and University employees (PDI and PAS) and has procedures for the collection and analysis of information on these mobility programmes.

Mobility URJC








  • Artículo 6.1.2. La resolución favorable de la solicitud de anulación total de matrícula no implica necesariamente la devolución del importe abonado por el o la estudiante. Para ello, deberán cumplirse los requisitos establecidos en el artículo 10.3 de la presente normativa.
  • Artículo 11.3.  La ampliación del plazo de permanencia se solicitará a través del procedimiento establecido al efecto por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos en sede electrónica, dentro del plazo establecido. El Rector podrá autorizar la continuación de los estudios en aquellos casos en los que causas excepcionales, debidamente documentadas, hubieran afectado al rendimiento académico de los y las estudiantes, con validez para ese curso académico (hasta un máximo de un año)
  • Artículo 11.4.  De acuerdo con lo que establece el artículo 4 de la presente normativa, aquellos y aquellas estudiantes cuya solicitud de permanencia se resuelva favorablemente, tendrán que matricularse de todas las asignaturas que les resten para finalizar sus estudios.
  • Artículo 11.5.  Para las asignaturas con convocatoria indefinida, una vez concedida la ampliación del plazo de permanencia, se abonarán las tasas correspondientes a la segunda y sucesivas matrículas según el Decreto de precios públicos correspondiente siempre y cuando hayan estado antes matriculados en esa asignatura.
  • Artículo 12.4.  Una vez concedida ésta, el o la estudiante deberá matricularse conforme a lo establecido en el artículo 4 de la presente normativa.
  • Artículo 12.5.  Para las asignaturas con convocatoria indefinida, una vez concedida la continuidad en los estudios de Máster Universitario, se abonarán las tasas correspondientes a la segunda y sucesivas matrículas según el Decreto de precios públicos correspondiente siempre y cuando hayan estado antes matriculados en esa asignatura.


Quality Guarantee



Report on Results

Once the follow-up on the Master is carried out, the quantitative information concerning the results of the follow-up for each academic year is shown.

Report on Results:    

General Information Collection Plan

Within the Quality Guarantee System at Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

 - Profile of the students

- Teacher assessment

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Of Student
  • Of graduates
  • Of the teaching staff
  • Of administration and services staff

- Labor insertion

- External practices:

  • Student satisfaction
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Satisfaction of evaluators

Survey results:

Steps toward Improvement

The Quality Assurance System of the Rey Juan Carlos University establishes that the Quality Assurance Committee of the degree is the information derived from the indicators of the degree and the achievement of a report that includes improvement plans if the results indicate.

Accreditation renewal

Accreditation renewal supposes the culmination of the implementation of the official undergraduate and Master’s degrees registered in the University, Center, and Degree Register. The accreditation renewal of official undergraduate and Master’s degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit, and final assessment.

In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the situation of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment report that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of assessors who are external to the degree in question.”

Self-assessment report 2023

Open Audience Form