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Primary Education

This degree qualifies for the profession of Teacher in Primary Education. Orden ECI/3857/2007

Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law
Center in charge: Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación y del Deporte y Estudios Interdisciplinares
Method of teaching: Inglés
Credits: 240. Credits/year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first course 2010-2011
Academic calendar    Schedule   Exam    Teaching Guides    Validations table   Faculty
Coordinator: Prof.ª Dr.ª D.ª Rosa María Espada Chavarría / Prof. Dr. D. Antonio Huertas Morales (Vicecoordinator)

Atención al estudiante: 91 488 93 93.     Buzón de Ayuda al Estudiante     Buzón de sugerencias, quejas y felicitaciones

Basic Information

What will I learn by studying this degree?

Students who finish their training in the Primary Education Degree, in accord with what is established in the Degree Report, are required:

  • To know the curricular areas of primary education, the interdisciplinary relationship among them, evaluation criteria, and teaching methods of both teaching and learning procedures.
  • To design, plan, and evaluate teaching and learning processes, both individually and in collaboration with other teachers and professionals of the school.
  • To be able to deal effectively with language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. To encourage reading and critical comments of the different scientific and cultural texts contained in the school curriculum.
  • To design and regulate learning in diverse contexts which comply with gender equality, equity and respect for human rights that shape the values and education of citizens.
  • To encourage harmony in and out of the classroom, to solve discipline problems and contribute to the pacific resolution of conflicts. To stimulate and value students’ effort, perseverance, and discipline.
  • To know the organization of the Primary Education Schools and the diversity of actions which their work involves.
  • To perform monitoring and orientation functions with students and their families, attending to the specific educational needs of the students. To assume that the exercise of the teaching function must be perfecting and adapting to the scientific, pedagogical, and social changes throughout life.
  • To collaborate with the different sectors of the educative community and the social environment.
  • To keep a critical and autonomous relationship with knowledge, values, and private and public social institutions.
  • To value individual and collective responsibility and the building of a sustainable future.
  • To reflect on the practices in the classroom in order to innovate and improve teaching work. To acquire habits and expertise for autonomous and cooperative learning and to promote it among the students.
  • To know and to apply information and communication technologies in the classroom. To discern selectively the audiovisual information that contributes to learning, civic training, and cultural richness.
  • To understand the function, possibilities, and limits of education in today´s society and the fundamental competence that affects primary education schools and their workers. To know models for quality improvement applicable to educational centers.

Where will I be qualified to work upon graduation?

This degree capacitates the student to exercise the profession of Teacher of Primary Education, both in public and private schools, the social demand of which is significant today. It also enables students to function in a continuously changing system, a system with great difficulties due to the structural modifications in the past years in the area of the family and cultural and ethnic heterogeneity. In addition, graduates will be capable of attending to the problems derived from bilingual education and the incorporation of information and communication technologies in the schools. Similarly, today´s society demands this type of professional to exercise other functions or professions relative to primary education, both in formal and non-formal education and in environments different from the formal educational system, such as youth collectives, farm school, work fields, and entertainment and leisure companies.

What topics will be covered in this Degree?


  • Subject 1: Humanities (History and culture of Spain)
  • Subject 2: Basic legal principles: professional ethics and equality. (Deontology: Ethics and social responsibility in education)
  • Subject 3: Language (Modern language)
  • Subject 4: Computer science (ICTs in education)


  • Subject 2.1: Communication. (Audiovisual communication and education)
  • Subject 2.2: Pedagogy / Business/Law. (School organization)
  • Subject 2.3: Sociology / Psychology. (Sociology of education)
  • Subject 2.4: History / Pedagogy. (Social history of education)
  • Subject 2.5: Pedagogy / Economy / Methodology. (Educational research methodology)
  • Subject 2.7: Pedagogy. (Theory of education)


  • Subject 3.1: Didactics of mathematics / Mathematics. (Didactics of mathematics I, II and III)
  • Subject 3.2: Didactics of language / language (Spanish language and literature and their didactics I, II and III)
  • Subject 3.3: Didactics of language (English) / English. (English language and its didactics)
  • Subject 3.4: Didactics of social sciences / History and Geography (Didactics of social sciences I, II and III)
  • Subject 3.5: Didactics of experimental sciences / biology, physics, chemistry and environmental sciences. (Didactics of experimental sciences I and II)
  • Subject 3.6: Musical education. (Musical education I and II)
  • Subject 3.7: Physical education. (Physical education I and II)
  • Subject 3.8: Artistic and Visual education. (Artistic and Plastic education)


The general objectives that reflect the orientation of the title and that intend to address multidisciplinary training of future graduates in primary education are:

  • To understand the function, possibilities and limits of school education and the fundamental competence which affect the different contexts and centers of primary education and their professionals.
  • To master the different subjects and didactics, as well as their multidisciplinary relationship.
  • To design and regulate areas of learning in the context of diversity with regard to respect for one another in order to build the values of citizenship education.
  • To maintain a critical and autonomous relationship with capacity for initiative.
  • To design, develop and evaluate educational projects and teaching and learning processes.
  • To know and implement in the classroom information and communication technologies.
  • To organize the interaction of each student with the aim of knowledge.
  • To act as a mediator in every activity which is undertaken and to stimulate the potential development of students as part of a team.
  • To analyze the context in which one’s activity is developed and to plan in accord with a changing society.
  • To exercise monitoring functions, orientation of students, and the evaluation of their learning.
  • To acquire knowledge and tools to help the foundation of the psycho-pedagogical thinking in the educational process.


The general competence that students have to acquire during their school years and that are necessary to obtain the title are:

  • To acquire and understand the necessary knowledge in the different areas of study included in the study plan in such a way that they enable the student to be a primary education teacher.
  • To know how to apply knowledge to work in a professional way, showing expertise through the drawing up and defense of argumentation and resolution of problems in the different areas of study.
  • To be able to obtain and understand data related to the different areas of study and make judgments which include reflecting on relevant social, educational, scientific and ethical issues.
  • To be able to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions to specialized personnel directly and indirectly related to the students training.
  • To acquire the necessary learning skills to expand their studies in an autonomous way.

Transversal General Competence

Instrumental generic competences.

  • Ability to analyze and synthesize.
  • Skill in organization and planning.
  • Oral and written communication in native language.
  • Knowledge of a foreign language.
  • Knowledge of computer science related to the area of study.
  • Ability to manage information.
  • Problem-solving.
  • Decision-making.

Personal generic competence:

  • Teamwork.
  • Working in an international context.
  • Skill in interpersonal relations.
  • Acknowledgment of diversity and multiculturalism.
  • Critical reasoning.
  • Ethical commitment.

Systemic generic competence.

  • Autonomous learning.
  • Adaptation to new situations.
  • Creativity.
  • Leadership.

Specific Competence

  • Ability to understand the complexity of educational processes, in general, and teaching-learning processes, in particular.
  • To know the contents that must be taught, to understand their epistemological singularity and the specificity of the didactics.
  • Solid scientific, cultural and technological training.
  • Ability to analyze and question the education notions derived from research, as well as the curricular proposals from the educational authorities.
  • Respect for the cultural and personal differences of students and other members of the educational community.
  • To design and develop educational projects and programming units which allow for the adaptation of the curriculum to the socio-cultural context.
  • Ability to perform monitoring functions, orientating students and parents and coordinating educational action related to the teacher´s group of students.
  • Commitment to improve the academic performance and success of students within a framework of integral education.
  • Ability to collaborate in the different sectors of the educational and social community.
  • To analyze and understand the educational processes related to the period from 6-12 years of age, in and out of the classroom.


Minimum requeriments for stay

  • For full-time students doing an undergraduate degree, the maximum period of time allowed to complete the degree is eight years. Part-time students can request an extension of up to two years from the Rector.
  • In the degrees that have more than to 240 credits (4 years), the maximum stated in the previous section will be increased by one year for each 60 ECTS that are added to the 240 ECTS.
  • Students have to pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students who are studying part-time have to pass at least one subject in the first academic year.
  • Students who are studying an official degree at Rey Juan Carlos University have a maximum of four enrollments in each one of the subjects in the study program, without counting previous cancellations of said subjects.

For further information see: Normativa de permanencia

Minimum number of  ECTS credits per type of registration and academic year

Full-time students:

1º Course 48 ECTS 60 ECTS
Other courses 48 ECTS 78 ECTS

Part-time students:

1º Course 24 ECTS 47 ECTS
Other courses 24 ECTS 47 ECTS


Access and Enrolment


Access to official degrees requires holding a high school diploma or equivalent and passing the exam referred to in Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified in the Law 4/2007 (12 April), taking into account other mechanisms of access foreseen in existing regulations.
The maximum number of 1st year students accepted in the academic is:

 Madrid Campus (Vicálvaro): 65 places



Enrolment in the Rey Juan Carlos University is on-line, using the computers on campus or any computer with web access. Dates and deadlines can be consulted in enrolment, as well as the requirements and necessary documents.  If any doubts arise, ask at the Student Telephone Assistance Centre (C.A.T.A.)

Internship Placement

Internship Placement subjects throughout this Degree are regulated by the regional Office of Education through an annual Order, which establishes the applicable procedure for education centers in the Community of Madrid.

Internships may take place in any of the education centers that offer vacancies each academic year (be it at their own discretion or at a student’s request), at the dates provided by the Coordinator. Students may also ask for observation placements abroad.

Internship Placement Manual (Spanish)

Education centers in the Community of Madrid that have never hired students before, may ask for it by e-mail to the following address: . They will be provided with access to the platform PracticumXXI, from which vacancies are processed.

Practicum XXI

Students will be informed about all of the deadlines and procedures related with Internship Placements through Virtual Campus. In this sense, any question may be sent to the address

Social Security Contributions for student interns as of January 1, 2024

Movility Programmes


The Erasmus Program offers URJC undergraduate and graduate students the possibility of taking courses for one or more semesters at one of the European universities where URJC has agreements.

These exchanges traditionally involve financial assistance thanks to the Erasmus grants that the EU and the Spanish Education Ministry provide.

ERASMUS (intranet)


The Munde Program manages mobility with universities that are not included in the Erasmus Program.

The possibility of obtaining a grant or financial assistance and the quantity depend, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, the countries, or the entities that subscribe to said agreements. 

MUNDE (intranet)

For more information:

Movilidad URJC


SICUE es un programa de movilidad nacional para estudiantes universitarios de GRADOS que permite realizar parte  de sus estudios en otra universidad española con garantías de reconocimiento académico, aprovechamiento y adecuación a su perfil curricular.

Movilidad SICUE

Student Support Programmes

Future student orientation. The university has various orientation programs for future students: visits to high schools, guided tours of the campuses, visits to classrooms, and, at the beginning of every academic year, the university organizes a Welcoming Day in order to orient new students.

Academic tutorials. Each professor offers, within his/her teaching plan, tutorial sessions related to his/her subject.

Integral tutorial programs. These programs are aimed at improving the learning process of the students, helping them to plan and organize their efforts in order to obtain the best academic results.

Degree coordinator. The degree coordinator works to favor the coherence and balance of the different subjects and the work load of the students.

Mentoring Program. URJC has a Mentoring Program, where students from previous academic years act as tutors.

Disabled students. The Assistance for Disabled Persons Office offers orientation and help to students with special needs.

Scholarships and financial aid. Rey Juan Carlos University processes the principle grants and annual financial aid programs, both their own and those from other official organisms such as ministries, the regional government of Madrid, international organizations, and other entities. The university also publishes and disseminates information about grants and financial aid of interest to students and graduates. During the year, students receive information about these through the established communication channels.

Laboral insertion program. URJC, through the Internship Unit and the Graduate Office, organizes events, workshops, and diverse services directed at helping and supporting students seeking employment. This is designed to improve students’ employability and to favor their incorporation into the labor market. The university has job listings, a platform at the disposition of companies and graduates where the organisms can carry out their selection process.




*Las tasas correspondientes a los dobles grados con distinto grado de experimentalidad se aplicarán tal como establece el nuevo Decreto 43/2022, de 29 de junio, del Consejo de Gobierno, por el que se establecen los precios públicos por estudios universitarios conducentes a títulos oficiales y servicios de naturaleza académica en las universidades públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid*



Convalidación, adaptación de estudios, reconocimiento de créditos y homologación de títulos extranjeros







Quality Guarantee

External monitoring report



Report on Results

Once the follow-up on the Degree is carried out, the quantitative information concerning the results of the follow-up for each academic year is shown.

Report on Results

General information collection plan

Within the Quality Guarantee System at Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:

- New students

- Teacher assessment

- Student satisfaction

- Satisfaction of graduates

Labor insertion

- Causes of abandonment

- Career path:

  • Second year after graduating
  • Third year after graduating
  • Fourth year after graduating

- Degree of satisfaction:

  • Faculty with campus and university
  • Teaching staff with degree
  • Of the evaluators
  • Incoming student mobility program
  • Outbound student mobility program
  • Administration and services staff with university

- External practices:

  • Student satisfaction
  • External tutor satisfaction
  • Satisfaction of evaluators

Survey results:

Steps toward Improvement

The Quality Guarantee System at URJC establishes that the Quality Guarantee Commission of the degree analyzes the information derived from the different indicators of the degree and draws up a report which includes plans for improvement, if that is what the results so indicate.

Accreditation renewal

Accreditation renewal supposes the culmination of the implementation of the official undergraduate and Master’s degrees registered in the University, Center, and Degree Register. The accreditation renewal of official undergraduate and Master’s degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit, and final assessment.

In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the situation of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment report that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of assessors who are external to the degree in question.

Self-assessment report 2023

Open Audience Form


Recognition of quality

The Virtual Campus at URJC has the international  certification “UNIQUe” for quality in e-learning. UNIQUe is the most demanding seal of quality for the use of ICT in higher education.

In the framework of the celebration of the INNOVATION FORUM 2011 in the Portuguese town of Oeiras, the Foundation for the Quality of e-Learning gave three UNIQUe quality certifications to universities in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Spain, and Rey Juan Carlos University was one of those chosen.

UNIQUe is the first certification of quality in all of Europe, created to offer support to universities in order to achieve excellence in the use of ICT for innovation in learning. The certification provides points of reference for the field of higher education in order to increase the speed of implementation of the Bologna reforms in the field of technology. It is centered on innovation with the aim of improving learning. At the same time, the UNIQUe seal facilitates the incorporation of the existing good practices and the valid strategies for quality, presenting a wide institutional focus that goes beyond e-learning in order to validate the efforts of the universities with regard to innovation.

This process of quality certification is based on the broad participation of the interested parties with the aim of involving the entire community of higher education, including the government, students and professors, as well as the administration and management of universities.