Branch of knowledge: Social Sciences and Law
Center in charge: Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación
Campus: Madrid - Quintana
Method of teaching: Inglés
Credits: 240. Credits/year: 60. Duration: 4 years. Implantation: progressive, first course 2016-2017
Calendario académico Schedule Exam Teaching Guides Faculty
Coordinator: Prof.ª Dr.ª D.ª Jessica Milagro Zorogastua Camacho
Atención al estudiante: 91 665 5060. Buzón de Ayuda al Estudiante Buzón de sugerencias, quejas y felicitaciones
Basic Information
What will I learn by studying this degree?
The contents in this degree are directly related with Protocol, as the name of the course indicates (from institutional to business or social protocol); all types of events organization, from the planning to the execution, taking into account all the relevant aspects such as spaces, security, team synergies or the diffusion of the aforementioned.
Where will I be qualified to work upon graduation?
The professional world is subjected to constant changes. Nowadays, companies and institutions sue profiles that fit their needs.
The most of the companies prefer specialists in corporate communication who are focus on the business communication, knowing how to connect with different publics or multistakeholders.
This profile, combined with a competent training for the organization of all type of protocol acts and events, is the one offered by the Degree Protocol, Organization of Events and Corporate Communication
Protocol is an indispensable training for a communication manager or dircom (communication director), since the knowledge acquired will facilitate the organization and relation with other companies or institutions.
Furthermore the training is combined with the programming of acts or events, considering that the companies or institutions are used to carry out all type of events like business communication acts, in order to position its image or brand, to launch a new product or message or to attract the attention and achieve greater visibility. Basically, companies try to communicate with society and publics by positioning and becoming visible to them.
Companies and the globalized world in which we are living in today sue multilingual professionals. So, a global, multidisciplinary and multilingual training is necessary to adapt the academic training to the professional profiles requirements.
We pretend to train qualified professionals to work in communication departments, press cabinets, protocol departments and events organization for companies or institutions with an integral, multidisciplinary and multilingual training, to adapt the academic training to the professional profiles that is demanded today.
Protocol, organization of events and corporate communication is focus on the professional training that companies are demanding for their communication departments; professional profiles for companies dedicated to the business acts and events organization, that know how to manage public relations attending to all the factors of organization.
Our value added is to present unified tasks that have been developed by different professional profiles. Nowadays, this tasks need to be combined in one professional profile (and also with languages), that handle, in a satisfactory way, the relations between companies or institutions in the events or acts organizations, institutional relations or collaborations, to achieve the corresponding goals.
The Degree we are introducing corresponds to profiles that have its precedents in different academic studies. The degree of publicity and public relations regarding the corporate image or the business relations; in the field of protocol, no contemplated by any current academic degree itself, and has been developed like an additional study by the most of the professionals devoted to these tasks; the business organization studied in Business Administration and Management, the international law.
All this points combined with training in other languages. Languages have a higher importance in this degree than in others, because we consider them absolutely necessary in today’s world, in order to make our graduated students more competitive.
Our graduated students will find their professional place in press cabinets of all type of institutions (from councils to ministries and all type of organisms) and in departments of communication of different companies. Taking into account that all the institutions, all the big companies and the most of medium enterprises contemplate this profiles in their staff, make sense the need of the training in this way.
Is this degree official in accordance with the regulations of the European Higher Education Area?
Yes (the final verification report is attached). The
implementation of the degree will be carried out progressively, beginning in
the first year of the degree in the academic year 2015-16
Report favorable first modification
Report favorable second modification
Report favorable third modification
What topics will be covered in this Degree?
Especially three areas are covered: Events organization and everything related with it, from the interculturality, the social responsibility or the restoration and the organization it requires; corporate Communication in an integral way, from the image or brand management to the corresponding reputation and, of course, everything related with Protocol.
Recommended Profile
There is no specific restriction from what is required by the law that regulates access to higher education. However, it would be appropriate that the students of Degree Protocol, Organization of Events and Corporate Communication should combine the interest in the organization of acts and events in the field of corporate communication; predisposition for working in group, interest in all the activities of communication; analysis and criticism capacity is also required. It is also necessary individual and group work capacity for the planning and the organization, besides being a self-demand person. It would be appropriate a good training in speaking and writing expression, as well as a medium level of English language.
Once the Degree Protocol, Organization of Events and Corporate Communication is finished, the students will be able to:
- Apply what the have learn to organize all type of acts, events and ceremonies, taking into account the suitable and corresponding protocols, in public or private institutions as in the business field, in national or international framework.
- Thinking, planning and executing a strategic corporate communication plan, which take into account the intangible values and beliefs of the company or institution, its corporate image, its social responsibility and the goals it pretends to achieve. It will be able to plan and execute a crisis communication plan when it is required.
- Manage the image and corporate reputation of the company or institution, as well as its control in each one of its performances. Distinguish decorations, flags and treatments and its suitable practical application to the ceremony, act or event.
- Know and apply the diplomatic uses, as well as manage the interculturality.
- Speak fluently a second language studied to be able to communicate with other people in an organized event or act.
- Manage a budget, contracting, finance and sponsorship applying the necessary knowledge.
- Write suitable speeches to the different events or acts, depending on the characteristics and participants of the act.
- Ability to design and choose the suitable menu, taking into account the participants and their cultural differences.
- Manage and coordinate the necessary teams of all the areas involved in the organization of an event or act, knowing how to make the logistical structure.
In summary, the proposal of this degree is make the students able to manage the protocol department and corporate communication in an organization, institution and/or company. Furthermore, they will be able to organize in an integral way all type of acts, ceremonies or events, business or institutional, taking into account all the aspects, including the pertinent communication plans.
• CG1. Ability to organise functions and events for business organisations and institutions
• CG2. Ability to apply knowledge to practice
• CG3. Ability to analyse, gather and summarise information and data
• CG4. Oral and written communication skills in the language of the degree
• CG5. Development of autonomous learning in the field of study
• CG6. Planning and organisation skills
• CG7. Work organisation and business management techniques
• CG8. Knowledge of information technology relevant to the field of study
• CG9. Ability to gather, evaluate and interpret information from different sources
• CG10. Decision-making and problem-solving skills
• CG11. Ability to work in an international context
• CG12. Development of interpersonal skills
• CG13. Recognition of diversity and multiculturalism. Knowledge of other cultures and customs
• CG14. Critical-thinking and self-criticism skills
• CG15. Ability to coordinate, manage and motivate work teams in order to gain benefits and achieve results for other people
• CG16. Leadership, with a conscious and ongoing commitment to respond constructively to challenges, contributing towards their resolution with experience, knowledge and action
• CG17. Adequate knowledge of administrations, companies, institutions, government agencies and organisations in general, of the regulations and necessary procedures to carry out work and activities within the scope of protocol and official ceremonies
• CG18. Excellent oral and written communications skills for professional practice
• CE1. Knowledge, implementation and use of techniques specific to protocol for all types of functions, and of the staging of institutional and business ceremonies, on an national and international level
• CE2. Knowledge of institutional and business protocol techniques, of the rules and practices, of the procedural strategies for the organisation of all types of functions, ceremonies and events
• CE3. Knowledge of the cultural and intercultural environment for the development of any protocol activity or event
• CE4. Knowledge of two foreign languages, English and Chinese or Russian, and ability to function in a highly globalised professional field
• CE5. Ability to distinguish official awards, titles, flags and treatments. Necessary knowledge of vexillology and heraldry
• CE6. Planning, structure and management of a protocol department for the organisation of ceremonies and all types of functions and events
• CE7. Gain specific knowledge in the field of communications and on how the media operates in relation to institutions and businesses, as the fundamental principle to position a message
• CE8. Knowledge of team synergies and coordination between the different areas involved in the organisation of an event
• CE9. Learn how to programme the communication plan, internal and external, for a business organisation, corporation or institution
• CE10. Acquire precise knowledge of government institutions
• CE11. Knowledge of the professional and business environment related to the practice of the profession
• CE12. Train students to organise and plan events for institutions and business organisations
• CE13. Ability to communicate different messages to all types of audiences, differentiating the information with accuracy
• CE14. Knowledge of the basic principles of corporate communication, and of the way the media operates in relation to institutions and/or businesses
• CE15. Knowledge of online media and use of corporate communication and marketing tools
• CE16. Knowledge and implementation of the processes for identity development and brand image of an institution or entity
• CE17. Ability to identify, value and manage the intangible assets of a company regarding communication
• CE18. Comprehensive image and corporate reputation management
• CE19. Communication skills and institutional relations: ability to defend and present different projects related to a brand, events or corporate communication
• CE20. Determine the logistic and organisational structure of an event. Ability to organise and coordinate teams
• CE21. Design, organisation and planning of events, as well as their integral execution
• CE22. Ability to manage a multicultural function or event, taking into account the differentiating aspects of its participants and the need to plan for an integral and adequate communication
• CE23. Acquire the necessary knowledge of vexillology, its symbols and history. Ability to recognise and distinguish different flags, as well as use them adequately according to the type of ceremony, functions or event
• CE24. Coordinate internal and external communication teams. Ability to design and manage an internal and external communication plan for a company or event
• CE25. Gain the necessary knowledge, abilities and attitudes to design, organise and manage a crisis and apply a specific communication plan accordingly. Learn and acquire the necessary skills to effectively manage risks in organisations
• CE26. Ability to organise a communication department. Corporate communication management with the different forms of media, adapting the message to various communication contexts, models and formats
• CE27. Knowledge of diplomatic usage. How to manage and apply intercultural aspects to the organisation of an event and its communication
• CE28. Acquire and apply the necessary knowledge of the staging of functions to the organisation of all types of events. Ability to criticise and control the graphic conception or design of a corporate event
• CE29. Image management skills. Ability to structure a message according to its support system and the type of media used
• CE30. Acquire and apply the necessary knowledge of economics to manage the budget, recruitment, funding and sponsorship of different types of events, conferences, fairs and/or functions
• CE31. Principles of ethics and social responsibility. Management and implementation of these principles in business and institutional organisations
• CE32. Ability to write a speech adapted to the protocol usage of an event or function, taking into account the necessary treatments and intercultural aspects of its integral organisation
• CE33. Ability to write and present the report, project and/or analysis of a function or event
• CE34. Ability to defend a project on the organisation of a function or event, both orally and in writing
• CE35. Knowledge and implementation of the relevant information technology programmes
• CE36. Ability to use organisational assessment techniques, identify factors that promote the well-being and effective performance of staff in the workplace, adapting professional profiles to people, as well as implementing occupational and psychosocial risk-evention plans
• CE37. Ability to analyse and make decisions regarding the organisational structure of the work, as well as put into practice organisational strategies that improve the use and performance of available human resources
• CE38. Elaborate, write and produce oral and written texts in a second language. That is, have the necessary oral and written skills in a second language to take part in institutional and business functions or events. Ability to understand written texts and oral speeches in the second language. Oral and written understanding
• CE39. Acquire the necessary knowledge of laudatory law and nobility, adapted to the needs of the organisation of ceremonial functions and to their relevant use
• CE40. Respect for sociocultural aspects, shown in the implicit and explicit communication of messages in a second language
• CE41. Learn norms and customs, have consideration and respect for different cultures, acquiring and developing the capacity to act appropriately in a diversity of contexts
• CE42. Understand the creation process of international legal norms
• CE43. Know and understand the means that guarantee the implementation of international law and international accountability mechanisms, as well as state jurisdiction over land, sea and air space
• CE44. Know and understand the historical and social significance of ceremonial acts in our culture and other cultures, and apply this knowledge to practice
• CE45. Knowledge of the creation and development of noble corporations and their application to functions and ceremonies
• CE46. Knowledge of the legal and business frameworks, of their objective and subjective aspects, identifying the concept of entrepreneur and its characteristics, as well as the legal status it involves, especially regarding accounting duties and official register publication
• CE47. Ability to supervise and manage people and work teams
• CE48. Ability to design the menu for a function or event, taking into account all participants and their differences. Know how to place and set a table, including the presidential table. Seating etiquette. Ability to adapt the interior design according to the celebration
• CE49. Integrate the interdisciplinary knowledge acquired throughout the degree into a descriptive and analytical work. Know how to structure an academic document and present a project on any aspects related to the degree in an academic manner, taking into account the knowledge acquired and its application to practice
• CE50. Ability to diagnose any problems that may arise when organising a function, event or ceremony. Adequate decision-making skills. Ability to respond to unforeseen events. Carry out analysis and use response resources. That is, practical application of knowledge through case studies and the resolution of practical cases
• CE51. Gain in-depth knowledge, abilities and attitudes, involving students in the business reality, completing and complementing their theoretical and practica ltraining with experience developed outside the university context
• CE52. Knowledge and analysis of the behaviour of economic entities and market performance analysis
• CE53. Ability to analyse business issues from a managerial perspective (planning, organisation, management of human resources and supervision)
Minimum requirements for stay
- For full-time students doing an undergraduate degree, the maximum period of time allowed to complete the degree is eight years. Part-time students can request an extension of up to two years from the Rector.
- In the degrees that have more than to 240 credits (4 years), the maximum stated in the previous section will be increased by one year for each 60 ECTS that are added to the 240 ECTS.
- Students have to pass a minimum of two subjects in the first year. Students who are studying part-time have to pass at least one subject in the first academic year.
- Students who are studying an official degree at Rey Juan Carlos University have a maximum of four enrollments in each one of the subjects in the study program, without counting previous cancellations of said subjects.
For further information see: Normativa de permanencia
Access and Enrolment
Access to official degrees requires holding a high school diploma or equivalent and passing the exam referred to in Article 42 of the Organic Law 6/2001 of Universities, modified in the Law 4/2007 (12 April), taking into account other mechanisms of access foreseen in existing regulations.
The maximum number of 1st year students accepted in the academic is:
Madrid Campus (Edif. Quintana): | 65 places (including transfer admission places) |
Enrolment in the Rey Juan Carlos University is on-line, using the computers on campus or any computer with web access. Dates and deadlines can be consulted in enrolment, as well as the requirements and necessary documents. If any doubts arise, ask at the Student Telephone Assistance Centre (C.A.T.A.).
Validation with FP qualifications
Internship Placement
The subject Internships is a curricular subject whose fundamental objective is to encourage the comprehensive training of the student through the practical application of the knowledge acquired in the degree, which facilitates direct contact with the professional activity and offers the opportunity for students to incorporate themselves in the professional world with a minimum level of experience. All the internships are designed so that students who participate in them acquire professional experience in real situations and conditions, applying the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are acquired in the educational process during the degree. These internships are an important opportunity for the personal and professional development of the students.
The internships are activities that the student undertakes in companies, institutions, and organizations; that is, in centers external to the university, and that have as their objective to enrich and complement their university studies, while also offering deeper knowledge related to the skills that will be needed once they graduate.
The Internship subject has two phases:
- First, doing the internship, which offers professional experience related to the profile of the graduate and that are shown in the Verification Report of the degree
- Second, preparation of the report.
Formative Proyect Qualification
For more information: Unit internships
Social Security Contributions for student interns as of January 1, 2024
Movility Programmes
The Erasmus Program offers URJC undergraduate and graduate students the possibility of taking courses for one or more semesters at one of the European universities where URJC has agreements.
These exchanges traditionally involve financial assistance thanks to the Erasmus grants that the EU and the Spanish Education Ministry provide.
The Munde Program manages mobility with universities that are not included in the Erasmus Program.
The possibility of obtaining a grant or financial assistance and the quantity depend, in each case, on the agreements with the universities, the countries, or the entities that subscribe to said agreements.
For more information:
SICUE es un programa de movilidad nacional para estudiantes universitarios de GRADOS que permite realizar parte de sus estudios en otra universidad española con garantías de reconocimiento académico, aprovechamiento y adecuación a su perfil curricular.
Student Support Programmes
Orientación a futuros estudiantes. La Universidad ofrece diversos programas de orientación a futuros estudiantes: realizamos visitas a institutos y centros de secundaria, organizamos visitas guiadas a los Campus, tenemos presencia en Aula y, a principio de cada curso, llevamos a cabo las jornadas de acogida para orientar a los nuevos alumnos.
Tutorías académicas. Cada profesor realiza, dentro de su planificación docente, tutorías académicas sobre su asignatura.
Coordinador/-a de la titulación. Trabaja para favorecer la coherencia y equilibrio entre las asignaturas y las cargas de trabajo de los/-as estudiantes.
Programa de Mentoring. La URJC cuenta con este programa, de tutorías entre iguales, en el que los/-as estudiantes de los últimos cursos actúan como mentores con los/-as alumnos/-as de primer curso.
Estudiantes con discapacidad. La Oficina de Apoyo a Personas con Discapacidad ofrece orientación y ayuda a los/-as estudiantes con necesidades especiales.
Becas y ayudas. La Universidad Rey Juan Carlos gestiona las principales becas y ayudas anuales, tanto propias como de otros organismos oficiales: Ministerios, Comunidad de Madrid, Organismos Internacionales y otras entidades. También, publica y difunde aquellas becas y ayudas de interés para sus estudiantes y egresados. A lo largo del curso, los estudiantes reciben por los diferentes canales de comunicación establecidos, información sobre las mismas.
Programa de inserción laboral. La Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, a través de la Unidad de Prácticas Externas y de la Oficina de Egresados, organiza jornadas, talleres y diversas actuaciones dirigidas a apoyar y orientar al estudiante en la búsqueda de empleo, para mejorar su empleabilidad y favorecer la inserción laboral. La Universidad cuenta con una Bolsa de Empleo -una plataforma a disposición de las empresas y los egresados- donde las instituciones pueden realizar sus procesos de selección.
Quality Guarantee
General information Collection Plan
Within the Quality Guarantee System at Rey Juan Carlos University, the following surveys are planned:
- New students
- Teacher assessment
- Student satisfaction
- Satisfaction of graduates
- Labor insertion
- Causes of abandonment
- Career path:
- Second year after graduating
- Third year after graduating
- Fourth year after graduating
- Degree of satisfaction:
- Faculty with campus and university
- Teaching staff with degree
- Of the evaluators
- Incoming student mobility program
- Outbound student mobility program
- Administration and services staff with university
- External practices:
- Student satisfaction
- External tutor satisfaction
- Satisfaction of evaluators
Survey results:
Accreditation renewal
Accreditation renewal supposes the culmination of the implementation of the official undergraduate and Master’s degrees registered in the University, Center, and Degree Register. The accreditation renewal of official undergraduate and Master’s degrees is organized in three phases: self-assessment report, external visit, and final assessment.
In the first phase, the university describes and assesses the situation of the degree with respect to the established criteria and guidelines. The result is the Self-Assessment report that is presented. The second and third phases are carried out by a group of assessors who are external to the degree in question.
Recognition of quality
The Virtual Campus at URJC has the international {modal images/Estudios/Grado/comunes/certificacion_unique.pdf} certification “UNIQUe” for quality in e-learning. UNIQUe is the most demanding seal of quality for the use of ICT in higher education.
In the framework of the celebration of the INNOVATION FORUM 2011 in the Portuguese town of Oeiras, the Foundation for the Quality of e-Learning gave three UNIQUe quality certifications to universities in Saudi Arabia, Russia, and Spain, and Rey Juan Carlos University was one of those chosen.
UNIQUe is the first certification of quality in all of Europe, created to offer support to universities in order to achieve excellence in the use of ICT for innovation in learning. The certification provides points of reference for the field of higher education in order to increase the speed of implementation of the Bologna reforms in the field of technology. It is centered on innovation with the aim of improving learning. At the same time, the UNIQUe seal facilitates the incorporation of the existing good practices and the valid strategies for quality, presenting a wide institutional focus that goes beyond e-learning in order to validate the efforts of the universities with regard to innovation.
This process of quality certification is based on the broad participation of the interested parties with the aim of involving the entire community of higher education, including the government, students and professors, as well as the administration and management of universities.