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Jueves 27 de Julio de 2017 a las 12:45

Researchers from URJC have launched DESILICO, a 3D simulation and visualisation tool development company aimed at the textile sector

Researchers from URJC have launched DESILICO, a 3D simulation and visualisation tool development company aimed at the textile sector. The researchers, Miguel Ángel Otaduy, Jorge López, Eder Miguel and Gabriel Cirio, have started up DESILICO, a company which commercially develops computer tools which were once restricted to research. DESILICO will be devoted to "developing and offering tools which through 3D simulation and visualisation offer solutions to the textile marketplace in its phases of design and testing", indicates Otaduy. The idea came to light as a result of the work of the Multimodal Simulation Lab Research Group at Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, led by Miguel Ángel Otaduy, who has carried on his work on the simulation of ordinary objects and materials with applications running from anatomic simulation or simulation for the textile industry, DESILICO'S business area. DESILICO was created in the context of the ERC Starting Grant Animetrics project, financed by the European Research Council, aimed at financing research of excellence in the European Union.